Blowback In Brussels? – Ron Paul Liberty Report

Blowback in Brussels? Is it logical to believe Islamic radicals are willing to commit suicide in a foreign country because that country practices democracy?

Hillary Clinton says: “These terrorists seek to undermine the democratic values that are the foundation of our way of life. They will never succeed.” Paul Ryan stated that We must confront this threat together. We must defend democracy, and defeat terror.”

These arguments are so unusual. If more of us took a few moments to actually think about what is being said, perhaps politicians would change their tune for once. 

Is it logical to believe Islamic radicals are willing to commit suicide in a foreign country because that country practices democracy? Democracy is just a method of choosing politicians by vote. It’s a way to choose between politicians (who ironically end up taking away our freedom).

This is supposed to be the motivation of the terror attacks? The ability to choose a bureaucrat by vote?

Why attack democracies? Why not dictatorships? Why not monarchies? Why not any other form of government? What’s so special about democracies that people are willing to end their own lives in an attempt to cause harm to others?

A vast majority of Americans don’t even vote! Those who do are so fed up with the whole thing that Donald Trump is now a stone’s throw away from the White House. Americans obviously have no love for democracy in practice. So why do American politicians keep recycling the same nonsense whenever a terrorist attack occurs?

Could it be that terrorism is an unintended consequence and blowback against a failed foreign policy?

Source: Blowback In Brussels? – Ron Paul Liberty Report
