Suicide Bomber Freed by Dutch & Belgium Governments

Brussels Suicide Bomber Ibrahim El Bakraoui

An official in the Turkish president’s office says the Brussels attacker who was deported from Turkey was Ibrahim El Bakraoui. The official corrected Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s account, saying El Bakraoui, who was caught in June at the Turkish-Syrian border, was deported to the Netherlands in July, not Belgium. Turkey says it warned both Belgium and the Netherlands that he was a “foreign terrorist fighter.” The official says Dutch authorities later allowed him to go free because Belgian authorities could not establish any ties to terrorism. The official cannot be named because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the issue. A Belgian prosecutor says El Bakraoui was a 29-year-old Belgian who blew himself up at the Brussels Airport on Tuesday.—Suzan Fraser in Ankara.

Source: The Latest: Officials: Paris bombmaker among Brussels dead
