Bloomberg: Hours Before Terror Attacks, Paris Practiced for a Mass Shooting

The scenario of drills running at the same time as a terrorist attack is a recurring theme. There were multiple drills running on 9/11. There were drills running during the London 7/7 bombings where the attacks that day hit the exact same targets as those being ‘practiced’ in that government-sanctioned terrorism drill. There was a “practically identical scenario” running just 26-minutes before the bomb attributed to Breivik went off.

Madrid, Sandy Hook, Boston, LAX… One can no longer argue that these drills coinciding with terror attacks are purely coincidental. They are evidence of governments and their intelligence agencies are using drills as a smoke screen to execute terrorist attacks on their own citizens.

terrorism and the number 1 way to avoid being killed in a terrorist attack is if you hear about the government running any drills near where you are get the f out of town
Now, Bloomberg has run an article about the multi-site, mass shooting drill I posted previously. Here is an excerpt from the Bloomberg article:

One such exercise was held on Friday morning, the day of the latest terror attacks. In a twist of fate, the simulated emergency was a mass shooting, according to Dr. Mathieu Raux, emergency room chief at the Pitié-Salpetrière hospital in Paris.

During Friday’s exercise, trauma specialists used a centralized dispatch system to set priorities and direct victims to the ER best equipped to treat their injuries. Ambulance services made sure they were ready to roll, and hospitals verified that surgeons and staff could be quickly summoned to treat arriving victims. “We tested every link in the chain,” Raux said. Because Paris emergency physicians work 24-hour shifts, virtually every ER doctor on duty in the city Friday night had already taken part in the exercise earlier that day.

Read the Bloomberg article here.
